Plant. Harvest. Repeat.


  • left mouse: planting and buy/sell crops.
  • right mouse: harvesting and purchasing plots.
  • 1-7: selects crop to plant.
  • space: advances cycle.


  • Starting with the provided basic flowers, your goal is to buy all available land, through purchasing, planting, and selling the various flowers available.

Farming Mechanics:

  • All crops have a base growth and base yield stat.
  • Growth affects its chance to survive to the next cycle (1.0+ is guaranteed to survive).
  • Yield is how many plants you get when harvested. Its fractional part is a percent chance to yield +1.
  • The above stats are modified by their stage (Stage Effects), as well as by any buffs and debuffs that are currently affecting it (Area Effects).


  • Crops can be reclaimed without lost if harvested during the cycle it was planted.
  • Basic crop information can be viewed by holding right click on its icon in the shop.
  • A crops Current stats can be viewed by mousing over it with More Info enabled.
  • You will receive a small amount of money every 100 cycles to prevent softlocking from bankruptcy. (Or you can simply refresh the page and start over).


  • Missing description: The necromancer when mature, has the effect of boosting the yield of dead plants that surround it.


  • Graphics: GIMP.
  • Game Engine: Macroquad.
  • Font: Martian Mono.
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