Ludum Dare 53 Submission.

Your mission is to deliver a letter to the N.ISS (Not ISS) flying over head at 100km.


  • a&d or mouse: for aiming.
  • space/left clicking: for launching and firing boosters.
  • p: to pause.


  • Launch the little man as up as you can!
  • Acquire Science Points in order to upgrade your equipment and reach the goal!

Inspired by games such as Hedgehog Launch and Learn To Fly.  As well as the time Uber Eats delivered food to astronauts on the ISS


  • Graphics: LibreSprite and GIMP.
  • Game Engine: Macroquad.
  • Font: Kenney Rocket Square Font
  • Sound: D:
  • Fuel: Mostly Dr. Thunder and Gorton’s Fish Sticks.

And a thank you to my homies who helped give some early feedback before submission.


  • 2023-05-03: Improved accessibility on web by slightly increasing default resolution/font size. Unfortunately the game still doesn't play well with fullscreen .
  • 2023-05-02: Bundled required js for running on web. Previously it was pulled in from a remote server. But in doing so, it added a potential point of failure should something go wrong on that end.

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